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Directory CriticListing Details
ID: | 32622 | |
Title: | Data Analytics for Graduates students in Ludhiana Punjab | |
URL: | http://aptechludhiana.com/data-analytics/ | |
Category: | Computers | |
Description: | Aptech’s Data Analytics course trains you in advance data aanalysis like python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib which are being used in most of the Data analytical companies. The curriculum trains you from the basic to the advanced level, right from installing & configuring the technology, and analysing, maintaining and building the data. | |
Meta Keywords: | data analytics in ludhiana punjab,data analytics for college students in ludhiana punjab,data analytics for gradutaes students in ludhiana punjab,data analytics for r programming in ludhiana punjab,data visualization in ludhiana punjab | |
Meta Description: | data analytics in ludhiana punjab,data analytics for college students in ludhiana punjab,data analytics for gradutaes students in ludhiana punjab,data analytics for r programming in ludhiana punjab,data visualization in ludhiana punjab | |
Link Owner: | Deep | |
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